Above photo; Jóhann Sigmarsson creating sculptures of victims in the moment before the burning exposure flashed from the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
Director, scriptwriter “THE MAN WHO LOVES MUSIC” a full-length documentary, Johann Sigmarsson (IS) artist, filmmaker, CEO is founder and entrepreneur of The Equator Memorial Project, International, itinerant Artists project. He will be one of the artists and will design, build and create the functional objects / art pieces with the Equator Artists Group. Sigmarsson was born in 1969 in Reykjavík, Iceland. “PLAN B report ” is his third feature film. “ONE FAMILY” was his second, and “WALLPAPER”, his debut, is one of the most popular movies ever made in Iceland. His career began in 1988 with the TV production company in Reykjavik, + Film ehf. From 1988-2002 Sigmarsson worked on 500-600 of short films, music videos, TV shows and series. He had studio in Reykjavik from 1989-1992 where he was painting and doing iron sculptures. Sigmarsson began working on the script of ONE FAMILY, besides creating the Reykjavik Short Film Festival in 1992. The idea was to create a forum for young film makers to get together and show their work as well as to generate interest in film. That festival discovered several filmmakers who has later been recognised and get international awards, like “Un Certain Regards in Cannes Film Festival, Tribeca Film Festival, The San Sebastian Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, Warsaw International Film Festival and The Nordic Council Film Prize etc. 2001 Sigmarsson was awarded official recognition for the 10th festival by the Minister of Culture and Science in Iceland. For his second film, ONE FAMILY, Sigmarsson himself is the script writer, producer and director. British Film Institute quoted that the film is one of the most important cult movie in Icelandic cinema. He was finishing his third film in full length, “PLAN B Report” in 2000. The script was supported in by the European Script Fund. It is the only film in the history of Icelandic cinema which have all the four filmmakers from Iceland who has been nominated for Oscars Academy Awards from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Sigmarsson has always produced the sound tracks of his films under the label of Bad Taste LTD. His films has been screened at festivals and in cinema, TV, VHS, DVD distribution around the world. Sigmarsson cofounded the Icelandic Film Company in 1991. He produced his last film, “Plan B Report” through the Icelandic Film Corporation ehf. Sigmarsson lived and worked in Berlin from 2001 – 2011 writing film scripts; Gentlemen Alone,The Hidden People and The Poisoned Chalice. All three titles are feature film projects in development, supported by European Union, Nipkow program, Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg, Nordic Film and TV Fund, and the Icelandic Film Centre. Since in Dec. 2013 he has been concentrating on developing “The Equator Memorial Project”, a group of international artists who are creating art pieces and functional objects by recycling historical materials of ruins from world heritage sites.
Education: 1985 – 1986 – The Reykjavík Technical College – Metalwork and mechanical engineering. 1986 – 1987 – The Reykjavík Technical College – Technical Drawing. 1988 – 1990 – The Reykjavik School of Visual Art – Paintings. Exhibitions: 1992 – 900 Drawings and Storyboard at Mocca in Reykjavík. 2011 – Co-idea for exhibition in End of Psüch Galerie Melike Billie in Hamburg. 2012 – Bird on the Shore, Environmental accidents – Disasters and damage in the nature at Dead Gallery in Reykjavík. 2013 – The Art of being Icelandic – Group exhibition in cooperation with Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature, designed and handmade furniture in old pinewood recycled from the Harbour of Reykjavík which was constructed between 1913 and 1917 exhibited in Reykjavík City Hall. 2013 – Saatci Gallery – “Handmade armchair” name of the piece; The Gift of the Spirit by Johann Sigmarsson. The armchair was selected at The World Interiors News Annual Awards 2013 wich is part of The World Architecture News. 2014 The armchair, The Gift of the Spirit got Runner-up for A’Design Award and the desk Something Regal by Johann Sigmarsson is A’Design Winner at the A’Design Award & Competition in Milan and 2014 – Group Exhibition – Broletto di Como at Piazza Del Duomo, 22100, Como / Italy. 2016 – Harpa, Concert Hall and Conference Centre in Reykjavík exhibit a collection of art pieces from The Equator Memorial Project / International itinerant artists project opened December 15, when it was formally 60 years from the beginning of the diplomatic relations between Iceland and Japan. The first exhibition which is achieved partly in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan was opened by the President of Iceland, Mr. Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Ambassador, Mr. Yasuhiko Kitagawa. The theme of the exhibition is material from Hiroshima and Reykjavík Harbour with historical informations on the pieces.
Established, co-foundation of companies and organisations: 1991 – Founded and established The Icelandic Film Company a private limited company. 1992 – Founded and established The Reykjavík Short Film Festival. 1992 – Co- foundation and Patron of THE ALTERNATIVE HOUSE a cultural and information centre for young people aged 16-25. The centre offers various help and advice, runs an art workshop, a gallery, employment agency and a Special Unit that works with and encourages disabled individuals. 1992 – Co-foundation of The Independent Art Festival in Reykjavík. 1997 – 2000 – Producer for the Icelandic Film Corporation ehf. 2001 – Founded SR Production a private limited company. 2013 – Founded 40,074KM a private limited company. 2013 – Founder and entrepreneur of The Equator Memorial Project, an international, itinerant artists project which is a group of international artists who are creating art pieces and functional objects by recycling historical materials of ruins from world heritage sites. The mission is to hold a series of exhibitions in galleries or museums worldwide in support of a sustainable environment, justice, freedom and peace. The Equator Memorial Project has UNESCO recommendation since 2014. From 2014-2016 he was one of the artists and in cooperation with Neu West Berlin, 5000 square-metres Art Studio which is establishing the Berlin Wall in cooperation with Visible Wall | Damian – Luxpopart by Rosenthal porcelain miniature Berlin Wall Kings of Freedom Limited Edition , Galleries and Accommodation for Artists. In 2016 Johann Sigmarsson bought company in Lithuania (STUDIJA VILNIUS) to establish Art Studio from 2017-2020 for creating the art pieces and functional objects for The Equator Memorial Project and other arts and film projects. Full-length Documentary 2014 – 2026 The Story Behind History, protagonist, writer, coproducer. 2022-2025 The Man Who Loves Music, director, writer, producer. Feature films: 1992 – Wallpaper, producer, writer, second director. 1995 – One Family, producer, writer, director. 2000 – Plan B Report, producer, writer, director / Feature films projects in development: Gentleman Alone, writer. The Hidden People, writer. The Poisoned Chalice, writer.

INTERNATIONAL GUEST ARTISTS WORKING ON SELECTED EXHIBITIONS; CONFIRMED ARTISTS: Steingrímur Eyfjörð (IS), Jón Adólf Steinólfsson (IS), Halldór Ásgeirsson (IS), David Walker (UK), Charles Chambata (ZM), Josemaría De Churtchaga (ES), Daniel de Isabel (ES), Kjell Erik Killi Olsen (NO), Gabriel Sobin (FR), Vytautas Narbutas (LT), Jean-Ulrick Désert (HT), Bruno Walpoth (IT), Antonia Puscas (DE), Árni Ingolfsson (IS), Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson (IS) and Ksenija Zapadenceva Sigmarsson (LT).
CONFIRMED INTERNATIONAL ART PROJECT TEAM; Johann Sigmarsson (IS) artist, filmmaker, CEO is the founder of 40,074KM and entrepreneur of the Equator Memorial Project. Tómas Þorvaldsson, (IS) attorney at law, provides legal advice and negotiation of contracts for the Equator Memorial Project. Aasa Charlotta Ingerardóttir (SE) photographer, Gunnar Gunnarsson, (IS) economist is project manager, Björn Bjarnason, (IS) former minister of Culture and Science in Iceland, is advisor on the project for Mr. Sigmarsson, Jón Proppé (IS) curator, Pierre Provoyeur (FR) curator, Robert Carrithers (US) curator, Pascal Lainé (FR) is director of curatorial management, Thomas Martin Hansen (DK) is service director for the design, Ole Rydal (DK) is creative director for the design, Loren Sopčákova (CZ), photographer, Josemaría De Churtchaga (ES) is architect for the exhibitions, Kristina Mickevičiūtė (LT) service director for art frames, Paulus Fugers (NL) is in curatorial team and art studio manager, Nicole Kluk (UK) Exhibition Producer for SAATCHI GALLERY, Henrik Hartberg (NO) is service director for printing material, Ksenija Zapadenceva Sigmarsson (LT) is, Artist, Art Studio Manager and Co-producer, UAB / STUDIJA VILNIUS.

Ksenija Zapadenceva Sigmarsson (LT) Artist for THE LONE WOLF exhibition and owner of /MB, STUDIJA VILNIUS which is co- producer from Lithuania for the full-length documentary “THE STORY BEHIND HISTORY”, co-partner of The Equator Memorial Project.
The company activities include the development, creation, production, dissemination and preservation of goods and services which embody cultural, artistic or other creative expressions, as well as related functions such as education or management. The cultural and creative sector include inter alia architecture, archives, libraries, galleries and museums, artistic crafts, audiovisual (including film, television and multimedia), tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design, exhibitions, festivals, music, literature, performing arts, publishing, radio and visual arts. Zapadenceva will work as artist on the exhibition as well as provide and organise companies, art framers and professionals to work all glass material and design, create and build all the art frames of the functional objects and the installations which the artists create for the exhibitions. The frames will partly be worked from the material of the historical ruins in collaboration with the artists. She have good knowledge of business environment of Baltic states and experience in international communication and negotiation, as well as team management and data analysis.
She have good knowledge of business environment of Baltic states and experience in international communication and negotiation, as well as team management and data analysis.
Education; Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University, Naugarduko vidurinė mokykla.
Recently in working process MB / STUDIJA VILNIUS;

Above left photo / Ksenija Zapadenceva Sigmarsson sawing wood from Reykjavik Harbour for sculpture. Above right photo / Ksenija Zapadenceva Sigmarsson taping photos of Mr. Aron Einar Gunnarsson Icelandic football team member to a board for preperation of sculpture. Down below photo / Sculpture in working process of Ari Skúlason, Icelandic football team member. Worked in UAB / Studija Vilnius.
Artwork of the Iceland National Football Team posing the Epic Vikings Slow Hand Clap. Sculptures of over 100-year old wood from the Reykjavík Harbour, a gift from the Icelandic Nation and other supporters around the world to the Football Association of Iceland.
The idea is to create 11 solid wood sculptures in full-size of over 100-year old wood from the Reykjavík Harbour of selected members from the Iceland national football team posing the Epic Vikings Slow Hand Clap assemble into one whole. The artwork is an environmental friendly creation. The sculptures will imitate all our heroes and have them as accurate as possible in the posture when the team takes the Epic Vikings Slow Hand Clap. Here is history, culture and sports combined together in one form. The chairman and board of the the Football Association of Iceland has considered their interest in the project and believes that the artwork “The Epic Vikings Slow Hand Clap” will draw a lot of attention to its creation and capture well-known moments in the nation sports history. It is planned to set up all the sculptures in one art piece outside the main stadium in Reykjavik with an inscribed gift shield about the sponsors its supporters. The artwork can attract a large number of tourists and residents. The Football Association of Iceland may well be able to finance such work with other interested parties and supporters.

Left photo / Sculpture in working process of Ari Skúlasson, a national team member lies on his stomach while his hand is being carved out. Right photo / The same sculpture in the working process of his face being carved out and created.

40,074KM EHF / partner leader / Iceland is a private limited company founded by Jóhann Sigmarsson in August 2013 for designing, building furniture & creating art works, producing concerts, exhibitions & all kinds of events in art section and in filmmaking. It was given the name 40,074KM, which is the length of the Equator. The company is responsible for The Equator Memorial Project, International, itinerant Artists project. It has been developing the art project and preparing its platform. It is responsible for collecting the historical material / ruins together in cooperation with its governments and institutions, furthermore the company is finding the international companies, co-partners to participate in the art project. The intention is to expand the international group of the artists and the team that are now available who travel between countries, building functional objects, creating artworks and sculptures from historical monuments. It will be established in cooperation with other artists and businesses, in the countries were the materials derive. When the project is completed it will be exhibited on a specific heritage site or at galleries or museums suitable for the project. 40,074KM EHF will design and organise the set up all of the exhibitions and is directory of curatorial and will be authoritative for work with the international artists on the creation of the art pieces and directors and curators from the museums / galleries which are cooperating with the art project. They will interpret the artworks, select them and be responsible for writing labels, catalog essays and other supporting content for the exhibitions in cooperation with the curatorial team, provide art historians, historians, writers, translators and create professional publication / communication to the public and media such as various of articles, interviews, preface of the book of collection, for seminar and opening speeches, academic, journalistic writing which can be distributed in newspapers, magazines, TV, official site and all kinds of web media.
David Bowie once recalled in an interview about his time with Brian Eno while the two were famously making the Berlin Trilogy: “Eno came running in and said, ‘I have heard the sound of the future.’… he puts on “I Feel Love,” by Donna Summer. ‘This is it, look no further. This single is going to change the sound of club music for the next fifteen years.’ Which was more or less right,” said Bowie.
We follow Thor as the lead character of the film, even though we also follow the other musicians as well, but this is “Thor’s story”, it’s also about era and creation of Disco and Club music, a musical period that led later to Break, Rap and Hip Hop Music. / Avove; Thor at SIGMA SOUND STUDIOS in Philadelphia.
It started in the Nordic countries but went from there to Germany and ended its expansion in the United States, and most of the episodes are spent reminiscing about Thor’s twelve eventful years abroad. Among the performers who appear in the full-length documentary “THE MAN WHO LOVES MUSIC” and are connected to Thor in one way or another are the Savanna Trio, Dátar, Hljómar, Heiðursmenn, Ævintýri, Þrjú á palli, Nilsmen, Nina Lizell, Lee Hazlewood, María Baldursdóttir, Abba, Amol Duul, Frank Farian, Boney M, Rolling Stones, Giorgio Moroder, Donna Summer, Twiggy, Tom Moulton, Grace Jones, Elton John, Pete Bellotte, Gaz, Salsoul Records, Joe, Ken and Stan Cayre, Munich Machine, Grandmaster Flash, Metropolis, La Bionda, Melba Moore, Cerrone, songwriters, arrangers, record producers, studio owners, relatives, old friends and many more.
Photo of Thor & Grace Jones. / On collaborating with Grace Jones for the track “Suffer” and usage of vocal hooks: Beginning in 1977, Jones embarked on a music career, securing a record deal with Island Records and initially becoming a star of New York City’s Studio 54-centered disco scene.
Music took Thor on a mission. He got to know the music scene by listening to the yankee radio from the U.S. Base in Keflavík, Icelend from early age, such as Marlene Dietrich, Louis Armstrong, Jerry Lee Levis, Elvis Presley to Kinks, Led Zeppelin, Beatles and more from the Yankee Radio. Later on he played in a band touring the base with concerts. We go from Iceland to Denmark, Finland and Sweden to Musicland Studios in Munich where Thor established himself as Studio musician and arranger, Casablanca Records which was most successful during the disco era of the mid to late 1970s, Studio 54, a former disco nightclub located on 54th Street in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Launched at the peak of the disco dancing and music trend, the club became world-famous, noted for its celebrity guest lists, restrictive (and subjective) entry policies (based on one’s appearance and style), rampant club drug use, and open sexual activity in the club’s infamous balcony and basement VIP rooms. We will try to find old recordings note tracks of Thor through the years to create new mixing for the music score of the documentary.
Clip-works photo of Donna Summer, the Queen of Disco and Giorgio Moroder who is called the Godfather of Disco. THOR was working the first three albums with Donna, Moroder and Bellotte. He arranged them, played some instruments at the studio and time scheduled the voices of Donna’s singing.
On the SalSoul era and working with SalSoul as a company: “Very good memories. They treated me nice. I didn’t work directly with the SalSoul Orchestra but I worked for the SalSoul company. Our relationship was always pleasant. The owners Joe and Kenny Carie were super nice guys. My friend Tom Moulton, who produced Grace Jones, made things run smoothly.” SalSoul Orchestra tracks has been sampled in rap songs such as 50 Cent’s “Candyshop”, Eric B & Rakim’s “Paid in Full” and more artists like Dimitri from Paris etc. Madonna used samples in “Vogue” of the tracks, the inclusion of which was later the subject of a lawsuit, ended in Madonna’s favour.On the emergence of-disco and hearing his worldwide hit and now often sampled track, “SingSing” with Gaz: “Yes, I liked disco right away. The jazz and R&B elements appealed to me. It still appeals to me in rap music. And yes I’ve heard “Sing Sing” used and sampled, but that is all. Wish I would see some money for it. The industry is sadly crowded with thieves!”
GRANDMASTER FLASH, ON EARLY ‘80S NEW YORK MUSIC used and sampled “Sing Sing” by GAZ. Sing Sing is 17 minutes long and it’s easy to do a scratch or sample it. It has properly been one of the most sampled song of the business from Grandmaster Flash to Ice Cube and to nowadays Drake.
Thor has a wide experience of producing music as composer, songwriter, record producer, singing, mixing, expose and playing musical instruments for others in studio recordings and being in bands. “Music has been my sole source of income since in the late 1950s so this is my 64th year in this profession.” – Þórir Baldursson. The material which formed the beginning era of Disco, Break, Rap and HipHop deserves to be followed by storytelling of a documentary film from various different sides. His trip of discography deserves it and his efforts. Still today the era of this music are affecting people in entertaining and emotionally ways around the world. It will always be people existing that want to dance and enjoy good melodies. That’s just fantastic.
The documentary is produced by Fahad Falur Jabali and Ksenija Sigmarsson, OCTOBER PRODUCTIONS and FORTY THOUSAND SEVENTY FOUR KILOMETRES in Iceland, Director, scriptwriter “THE MAN WHO LOVES MUSIC” a full-length documentary, Johann Sigmarsson, Advisor and protagonist; Þórir Baldursson… aka… THOR.
ALIAKSANDRA & ANDREJ SLIUSARENKO, Co-producers “THE MAN WHO LOVES MUSIC” a full-length documentary, MB / STUDIJA VILNIUS / Lithuania.
MB / STUDIJA VILNIUS activities include the development, creation, production, dissemination and preservation of goods and services which embody cultural, artistic or other creative expressions, as well as related functions such as education or management. The cultural and creative sector include inter alia architecture, archives, libraries, galleries and museums, artistic crafts, audiovisual (including film, television and multimedia), tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design, exhibitions, festivals, music, literature, performing arts, publishing, radio and visual arts. We specialised our self in services for clients, co- partnership and co-production for art projects or the creative film industry.
Ailiaksandra is responsible, motivated and ambitious personality who is able to solve issues in an emphatic and creative manner. I am a quick learner who always wants to gain new knowledge and share my previous experience with other team members. Due to my previous role, I’m familiar with how to manage stressful situations and work under pressure. I was closely working with documents and because of this I became attentive to details and understood that a minor mistake can lead to a big issue. I believe that my previous experience and my personality would be a good t for this position and that our partnership would be mutually beneficial.
The Equator Memorial Project is a group of international artists who are creating art pieces and functional objects by recycling historical materials of ruins from world heritage sites. The mission is to hold a series of exhibitions in galleries or museums worldwide in support of a sustainable environment, justice, freedom and peace. At each exhibition approximately 50 – 60 art pieces will be presented created by selection of international artists. A part of the income for each sold or rented piece will be allocated to a charity fund for humanitarian and community projects. Confirmed materials: the Reykjavík Harbour, the Hamburg Port, the Berlin Wall, Genbaku Dome in Hiroshima (A bomb) and two broken windows from office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in the Norwegian government’s headquarters in Central Oslo after it was damaged from terrorist attack by Anders Behring Breivik and from Graveyard of Lenin monuments and Stalin statues. Plans have been drawn up to obtain materials from; the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane, which has been preserved untouched since almost all its inhabitants were massacred on June 10, 1944, the Czech village of Lidice, 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, former Soviet Union – GULAG, Colosseum, ruins of the Buddhas of Bamiyan which was destroyed in Afghanistan by Taliban in 2001 to demolish holy icons and disrespect ideologic of the religion, the Basque town of Guernica, Liverpool and the slave trade and from the time of the Japanese Diplomat Chiune Sugihara, when he was in Lithuania helping refugees, women and children from the tragedy of the World War II.

THE STORY BEHIND HISTORY – INTERPRETATION / DIRECTOR’S VIEW In the story we follow the main character Johann, get to know his background, what he wants and his passion that reflects in the Equator Memorial Project. His own discovery of the skills to design and build furniture lead him to the vocation of forming worldwide projects about making art with positive messages out of recycling materials from world historical sites. Johann works hard on making his dream come true by forming a net of people that could be of help in making this happen. This net includes characters such as; artists, lawyers, factory owners, Japanese diplomats, old friends e.t.c. We follow Johann as the lead character of the film, even though we also follow the other artist as well, but this is “Johann’s story”.